Find Your Sweet Spot to Excel As an Entrepreneur
Finding your sweet spot as an entrepreneur needs to start with a meaningful, personal purpose that is also a business...
Finding your sweet spot as an entrepreneur needs to start with a meaningful, personal purpose that is also a business...
Many people will argue that total customer satisfaction is paramount, but I’m a pragmatist who believes that treating everyone the...
We are now solidly in the era of big data, where computers are capturing the details of everything we do...
With the availability of high-speed Internet and social media access around the world, it is easy for entrepreneurs to assume...
As a business advisor, I have too often seen technical entrepreneurs get a product or service off the ground with...
Almost every entrepreneur starts their journey by developing a solution, based on their knowledge of a new technology or required...
Committees do not create successful startups. A single visionary entrepreneur almost always is the initial implementer of an innovative new...
To build a startup, entrepreneurs need a laser focus on providing an innovative solution to a real problem. Once they...
In my years of working with entrepreneurs, I have heard many times the promise that their new idea will create...
There is a common belief in the angel and venture capital community that you put your money on the best...
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